1) The largest piece of ice to fall to earth was an ice block 6 meters (20 ft) across that fell in Scotland on 13 August 1849.
2) Permanent snow and ice cover about 12% (21 million square km's) of the Earth's land surface.
ARA - Live @ The Cat's Den - 01/29/094) A single snowstorm can drop 40 million tons of snow, carrying the energy equivalent to 120 atom bombs.
5)The most snow produced in a single snowstorm is 4.8 meters (15.75ft) at Mt Shasta Ski Bowl, California (USA) between 13 and 19 February 1959.
S.W.E.L.L. - Live @ The Void - 01/28/09 7)
Babes - Live @ The Void - 01/28/098) 80% of the world's fresh water is locked up as ice or snow.
9) “Ice” is a slang term for a very pure, smokeable form of methamphetamine.
Walter Carson - Live @ The Void - 01/28/09